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Moscow: The bottle | Москва: Бутылка

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The main theme from the “Village of Fools”
Began playing when I saw this huge bottle.
Though it wasn’t a bell, also I didn’t drool,
Yet with the Pavlov’s reflex lose the battle…
▬▬▬ - my other verses / др.мои попытки плести рифму.
#Russia #Россия #Moscow #Москва #Verse #Стих #Funny #Humor #Bottle #Бутылка #Jar #Flask #Vial #Glass #Canister #Cup #Hooch #Hootch #Booze #Cider #Cidre #Sidra #Cidra #Apfelwein #Сидр #Cyder #Applejack #AppleBrandy #Cidro

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