Make it real!

Bergamo: GROM | Бергамо: ГРОМ

Name: GROM
Address: Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 60

▪ Gromart S.p.A. is an Italian gelato company;
▪ Its founders were Federico Grom & Guido Martinetti;
▪ The 1st store was established in 2003 in Turin.

▪ Now it’s an international company with branches in USA, France, Japan, etc.

#ENG: Italian #GROM - is the only rival to Portuguese #Santini for now!
#RUS: Итальянский #ГРОМ – единственный на сей момент конкурент португальского #Сантини.
#DEU: Italienisch GROM - ist der einzige Rivale für Portugiesisch Santini für jetzt!
#Briefly #OurOpinionForNow #Italy #Италия #ItalianRepublic #Italia #Lombardy #Lombardia #Lumbardia #Ломбардия #Бергамо #Bergamo #IceCream #Eis #Мороженое #Speiseeis #Ice #Gelato #Gelaterie #Coupe

#IceCreamParlour #Sundae #Taster


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